Dry toilet

Your LIGHTstern camper van has a practical dry, separate toilet for emergencies.

As the vehicle does not have a fully-fledged toilet, you should prefer public toilets or the facilities at campsites. Basically, you can use the toilet in your LIGHTstern camper as you would at home. You just have to remember that everything that goes in there has to come out again … ;-)

However, if you are aware of this fact and take advantage of opportunities with public toilets, then in our experience this works great.

In view of the increasing number of camping enthusiasts and the resulting problems, we would like to advise you not to see nature as a toilet. A little “wee-wee” may still be quite unproblematic as long as you take your toilet paper back with you. But when it comes to “big business”, things can quickly get messy, as you’re probably familiar with from many rest stops along the highway. (See also the topic “Etiquette”.)

But with the dry toilet in the LIGHTstern Polaris, you won’t find yourself in this situation in the privacy of your camper. Here, solids and liquids are collected in separate containers, which helps to reduce odors. 

You can find out how to use the toilet in the videos opposite!

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